Small Business Thursday—Niagara Therapy, LLC
Niagara Therapy, LLC is a specialized office for individual therapy. We focus on a team approach to achieve your goals. By acting as a team, we can ensure the MOST EFFECTIVE and EFFICIENT path for your independence. Niagara Therapy, LLC provides individual care for YOU.
Niagara Therapy is a clinically-operated company based right here in Erie that focuses on occupational, physical and speech therapy for people of all ages. Staff will develop a personalized care plan for each individual patient, based on their specialized needs. Their facility boasts a well-trained staff of speech language pathologists, occupational therapists, and physical therapists.
Niagara Therapy also makes use of cutting-edge technology to better help patients. To improve visual abilities, the clinic uses a device called the Sanet NeuroSensory Vision Integrator that can help with things like motion sickness, concussions and traumatic brain injuries. Another technology Niagara uses is the Interactive Metronome. These devices can help to improve neurological functions such as attention, focus, motor planning, auditory processing and sequencing. Niagara also uses something called Instrument-Assisted Soft Tissue Manipulation. This device is used by both occupational and physical therapists to loosen up tight and sore muscles while reducing and eliminating pain to make the patient’s day-to-day life much easier. These are just a few of the advanced technologies used at Niagara Therapy.
What Do They Do?
Occupational Therapy helps enable people of all ages to fulfill their goals, whether that be to promote health or to prevent injury and/or illnesses. Occupational therapy is commonly used to help children with disabilities to become more comfortable with their school activities and classes. For adults, occupational therapists help address cognitive and physical changes due to things like aging, accidents, or injury.
Physical Therapy is used to help those who are injured or ill by improving their movement and finding ways to manage their pain. They will often use exercises to help strengthen muscles and improve on their overall mobility. Some of these exercises include stretching maneuvers, exercise equipment, and hands-on therapy. Physical therapists have to know the right course of treatment depending on how mobility was lost or why it deteriorated. They work with all age groups, but some may have a specialty.
Speech Language Pathologists asses, diagnose, treat, and help to prevent communication and swallowing disorders in children and adults. . Through hearing someone speak, SLPs are able to identify treatment options and create an individualized plan for all of their patients. Just like with most medical professions, SLPs may have a particular field they like to work in, or a specific group of people they like to work with.
To learn more about Niagara Therapy, LLC, visit their site at: