On the day marking my 12-year anniversary for purchasing the agency from Jack Mantsch’s widow, Mrs. Mantsch, we coincidentally had a consultant, Rick Capozzi with the Capozzi Group, CapozziGroup.com, come meet with us to help guide us on building a new mission statement. The meeting started with the close of the business day and Chinese food to help fuel the creative thinking. From there, we spent the next 2 ½ hours hashing out the first draft of the statement. Everyone was engaged, giving input, making comments and sharing of opinions. In the end, we had landed a final draft which only required a couple of tweaks over the next following weeks until everyone was satisfied that it truly represented the core intent of our agency. I cannot say enough how impressed and pleased I was to see the engagement, investment and ownership of each of the employees here. I am sincerely honored and proud with the efforts and enthusiasm everyone put forth. I can truly say this statement is a true reflection of each and every one of us here. Here is the final statement for the first official public unveiling:
As insurance counselors of the Mantsch-Lafaro Insurance agency, we take the time to analyze your assets, identify your exposures, minimize your risks, and help reduce your losses by designing complete insurance plans to fit your needs while providing the utmost service.