There is an approximately 84% of households that have vehicles. Many people need automobiles to get from place to place. Not only do we know how useful they can be, but we also understand the fact that
driving an automobile can be dangerous. Even when you strictly obey traffic laws, other drivers may not. These situations can lead to unforeseen consequences. In addition, there are acts of nature such as hail
storms or falling objects that may cause costly damage to your automobile. Therefore you need auto insurance.
We are honored when we are chosen to be an insurance counselor to properly protect clients while they are on the road. Our client, Corey Spacht, web designer and web master in Erie, PA, has written a testimony for Mantsch - Lafaro Insurance Agency for the services he has received from our agency.

"I've had my Auto Insurance with Mantsch-Lafaro right from the start. No matter who I talk with in the office I know they are going to give me the best advice and information
or suggest other coverages I may need. When it came time for a renters and PCL policy, they were there to answer all my questions and make sure my insurance needs were covered. They are Above All in sERvIcE!"
A sincere thank you to Corey Spacht for taking valuable time out of his day to share these kind words.