We have reached another great milestone and it is my pleasure to announce that Beth Rapp’s has hit her 10 year anniversary with our agency. Her dedication and work ethic is only matched by her unwavering
positive attitude and her insistency to always serve our clients to the best of her ability.
We have received countless compliments from policyholders over the years, including this most recent one:
“Just emailed the annuity forms back to Beth. Just wanted to let you know that she has been wonderful to work with on this…she is so nice :) And she hasn’t let any grass grow under her feet either as I know she is working diligently to expedite all of this as quickly as she can for me and it is much appreciated. You’ve got a real gem there!”
Here are some Facebook responses we’ve gotten from posting this online:
John Vickey: Whenever I call up there, I know when she answers she can handle whatever I need. and always a good experience with all of your employees up there!
Sueanne Aylward Blakesslee Toomey: Everything said here is so true. She just plain delivers! I have had a zillion questions this past year and she just smiles and gets things accomplished for me. She has that ability to make you think you are her most important customer. I truly enjoy working with her. Thanks for all you have done. Congrats!!! And, thanks to all her co-workers too.
Sherry Edkin: It's nice to see someone be at a job for 10 years...... it's also nice to have a super employer to work for as well !!!! Congrats to both of you!!!!!
Please join us in congratulating her on this special occasion.
-Robert Lafaro